Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Jean-Leon Gerome's: The Hookah Lighter

Shished Saturday with h-face and cate, 
Hookah party last night at Isabelle, Andre & Walids with the Couch Surfers & Daniela
Walids Hookah put mine to shame, however my peach tobacco mixed with riesling wine in the vase was a hit with them all. 
still working on them smoke rings. 
Im going to get it right 
like the Shisha smokin' Caterpillar 

Still working on giving up all things boring 
while still trying to keep money
in 'da bank

Laslo and Mordecai need to work out 
their differences.
    88888888888     - from lazlo

moustache party at the burrow, lyssa's p-tay
i have no pictures
cause i have no picture taker.

1 comment:

h said...

i feel like its over.